
————字数统计 456 字 | 阅读时长 2 分钟————


Shortcut Description
Windows Key WindowsKey Open and close the Start menu.
WindowsKey+1,WindowsKey+2,etc. Switch to the desktop and launch the nth application in the taskbar. For example, WindowsKey +1 launches whichever application is first in the list, numbered from left to right.
WindowsKey+A Open the action center.
WindowsKey+B Highlight the notification area.
WindowsKey+C Launch Cortana into listening mode[注1]. Users can begin to speak to Cortana immediately.
WindowsKey+D Switch between Show Desktop (hides/shows any applications and other windows) and the previous state.
WindowsKey+E Switch to the desktop and launch File Explorer with the Quick Access tab displayed.
WindowsKey+H Open the action center.
WindowsKey+I Open the action center.
WindowsKey+K Open the Connect pane to connect to wireless displays and audio devices.
WindowsKey+L Lock the device and go to the Lock screen.
WindowsKey+M Switch to the desktop and minimize all open windows.
WindowsKey+O Lock device orientation.
WindowsKey+P Open the Project pane to search and connect to external displays and projectors.
WindowsKey+R Display the Run dialog box.
WindowsKey+S Launch Cortana.[注2] Users can begin to type a query immediately.
WindowsKey+T Cycle through the apps on the taskbar.
WindowsKey+U Launch the Ease of Access Center.
WindowsKey+A Cycle through notifications.
WindowsKey+V Open the action center.
WindowsKey+X Open the advanced menu in the lower-left corner of the screen.
WindowsKey+Z Open the app-specific command bar.
WindowsKey+Enter Launch Narrator.
WindowsKey + Space Switch input language and keyboard layout.
WindowsKey+Tab Open Task view.
WindowsKey+, Peek at the desktop.
WindowsKey+Plus Sign Zoom in.
WindowsKey+Minus Sign Zoom out.
WindowsKey+ESCAPE Close Magnifier.
WindowsKey+LEFT ARROW Dock the active window to the left half of the monitor.
WindowsKey+RIGHT ARROW Dock the active window to the right half of the monitor.
WindowsKey+UP ARROW Maximize the active window vertically and horizontally.
WindowsKey+DOWN ARROW Restore or minimize the active window.
WindowsKey+SHIFT UP ARROW Maximize the active window vertically, maintaining the current width.
WindowsKey+SHIFT DOWN ARROW Restore or minimize the active window vertically, maintaining the current width.
WindowsKey+SHIFT LEFT ARROW With multiple monitors, move the active window to the monitor on the left.
WindowsKey+SHIFT RIGHT ARROW With multiple monitors, move the active window to the monitor on the right.
WindowsKey+HOME Minimize all nonactive windows; restore on second keystroke.
WindowsKey+PRNT SCRN Take a picture of the screen and place it in the Computer>Pictures>Screenshots folder.
WindowsKey+CTRL+LEFT/RIGHT ARROW Switch to the next or previous virtual desktop.
WindowsKey+CTRL+D Create a new virtual desktop.
WindowsKey+CTRL_F4 Close the current virtual desktop.
WindowsKey+? Launch the Windows Feedback App.

[注1]: If Cortana is unavailable or disabled, this shortcut has no function.

[注2]: Cortana is only available in certain countries/regions, and some Cortana features might not be available everywhere. If Cortana is unavailable or disabled, this command opens Search.



上面是代码目录结构,下面是什么?对,README.md!下面的内容都是README.md来描述的信息,我当时不知道.md是什么文件,也不知道它可以写出这么酷炫的文字和页面效果。md是markdown的简写,markdown提供了非常友好的文字处理能力,在了解到Markdown之后,才知道原来还可以这么玩,使用过了才知道它的强大之处。Github在添加README.md时就相当于是一个在线编辑器,而且还有转换预览,其实你可以在这里编辑,然后copy到任何支持的地方使用,但是离线的时候怎么办?于是开始寻找一款高效的编辑器,没错Sublime text,它已经成为一款程序员必备软件,无奈我没始终没安装上markdown的插件(请自行google安装教程),只好放弃了,但是最后我找到了各种Markdown的编辑器,下面就为大家一一揭晓。

在线编辑器 - 马克飞象




  • 程序绑定:绑定指的是一个方法的调用与方法所在的类(方法主体)关联起来,Java中绑定分为绑定分为 静态绑定动态绑定
  • 动态绑定:在面向过程中又称为后期绑定,在程序运行期进行了绑定,根据实际情况有选择的进行绑定
  • 静态绑定:在面向过程中又称为前期绑定,在程序编译期进行了绑定,即在还没运行时,就已经加载到内存


  • 动态绑定
    • 又称为后期绑定
    • 发生在运行时期
    • 虚方法(可以被子类重写的方法)会根据运行时的对象进行动态绑定
    • 动态绑定使用对象信息来完成
    • 典型应用是方法的重写(Override)
  • 静态绑定
    • 又称为前期绑定
    • 发生在编译时期
    • 使用private或static或final修饰的变量或者方法(包括构造方法)
    • 静态绑定使用类信息来完成
    • 典型应用是方法重载(Overload)






public class OverloadPriority {

    public static void print(Object arg) {
        System.out.println("parameter type = Object");

    public static void print(int arg) {
        System.out.println("parameter type = int");

    public static void print(long arg) {
        System.out.println("parameter type = long");

    public static void print(double arg) {
        System.out.println("parameter type = double");

    public static void print(float arg) {
        System.out.println("parameter type = float");

    public static void print(char arg) {
        System.out.println("parameter type = char");

    public static void print(Character arg) {
        System.out.println("parameter type = Character");

    public static void print(char... arg) {
        System.out.println("parameter type = char...");

    public static void print(Serializable arg) {
        System.out.println("parameter type = Serializable");

    public static void print(Comparable<?> arg) {
        System.out.println("parameter type = Comparable");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // int





  • Java形式
    System.out.println(" log for test ");
  • Android Log
    Log.d(TAG, " log for test ");



  • 人名
    Log.d("gogh" " log for test ");
  • 类名
    private static final String TAG = LogUtils.class.getSimpleName();
    Log.d(TAG, " log for test ");
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